Friday, September 11, 2009

And so I begin . . .

What makes a book good? What fusion of ideas and sentences transforms average works into classics that demand to be read over and over again? I must admit that I am no professional literary critic; however, it is never too late or early to try to become one. Throughout this blog I will read some of the greater literary pieces and then try dissect and analyze their juicy guts out. From the streets of Dickens' London to the Mines of Moria, I will not stop in my quest to find what makes an average book a great book. And so I begin my experiments in criticism.
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P.S. (To you the reader) Thank you for reading my first blog entry! Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or critiques! Book suggestions are always welcome; I am always on the lookout for another good book.
~Nathan Conroy